Sunday, September 19, 2010

Product Of Insomnia


Self-concious Cyborg Sky
I can't sleep right now so I decided to do a quick piece. I found a picture I like of Sky Ferreira an up and coming singer. I noticed she was covering her face. It looked like she was trying to cover something up. So I thought why not actually have her cover something up? So I decided that she would have half a robot face but she is self-concious so she tries to cover it. I adjusted the brightness and contrast many times on different areas of the face to achieve this look. I also erased part of her face and put the cyborg face behind it so just a little bit shows. I changed the colour of her hair, lips, eyes, eye-shadow, and bracelet. I also added some shadows on one side of her face to give it a darker look. I also went to filter and adjusted the sharpness. It's not the best because I did it really quick, but it's cool anyway. I think I'll go to bed now.

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